Paul Turner still on a Vendetta

Paul Turner is still on a Vendetta to damage my reputation and business.  This is a link to an website he has set up.

UPDATE: the above website has now been deleted by for a breach of harassment laws!  I have captured a screenshot below as evidence.  The question is, will Lancashire Police deal with him?  Unfortunately there is little chance of that as he is a Police Informer and they (Lancashire Police) will not bring charges against a Police Informer so my family will still be targeted.

Paul Turner's vendetta
Paul Turner’s vendetta (click it to view it)

The website clearly breaks the rules laid out by on their website terms and conditions here, Paul Turner obviously is not concerned about publication rules on any websites, his page has been reported.

Paul Turner now implies something about witness protection, saying he was accused of being in witness protection…. news to me, why would he bring this up?

He said I am spreading lies, really?  Then anyone who really does care can review articles on this website, including the tribunal Paul Turner started (click to read)

Paul Turner has consistently and persistently caused harassment, alarm and distress to me and my family.  Many of these reports have been recorded and are, still, to this day being investigated.  He was even given a harassment warning by Lancashire Police (see it here)

Paul Turner then, even after being warned of harassing me and my family, started to post that he had not be given a harassment warning, and that I had!, here is the evidence of his lies, a letter of Police confirming I have never had such a warning! click here to read it.

More worryingly, Lancashire Police have supplied Paul Turner with ammunition to attack my family.  (click here to review) DS Andly Langton (Paul Turners alleged Police handler) passed private and confidential information to Turner about my young children so Paul Turner could (and did, the sick bastard!) publish it online.  Paul Turner & DS Andy Langton both stooped to an all time low to use a child to try and harm me.  This is a very dangerous thing to do to a child’s father.  We are expecting DS Langton to be dismissed from Lancashire Police for this and hopefully be criminally charged.  The ICO are considering charges against him and the force!

Paul Turner continues in his rants that I have left him out of work, well, unfortunately for him, he was sacked for legitimate reasons (as he himself told Police) see by clicking here.  He then realised that he screwed up and decided to take it out on me, his former employer by starting a tribunal, even though he confirmed he was dismissed legitimately on a formal statement 🙂  haha, you really cannot make this shit up!   Read his full tribunal by clicking here he soon retracted this and did not even bother going to court.  A clear sign he was doing anything to cause trouble.

The proof this is intended to harm me and my business is, look at the bottom of the page.  Paul turner is involved in SEO, this is search engine optimisation.  The basis of trying to get a website more noticed on Google by certain techniques.  One of the main techniques is the wording….

Notice the following in his post:

  • The repeated use of MY NAME, in full.  (Paul Ponting, mentioned 5 times)
  • The town I live and work (Ormskirk, mentioned 3 times.)
  • My company name (Danoli solutions Ltd, mentioned 3 times)

What Paul Turner is trying to achieve is for anyone searching for any of those phrases on google, for HIS page to appear on Google therefore damage my reputation.  What he does not understand in his simplistic mind, is that my reputation is untarnished, spans 30 years in the IT industry, I/we have references from Schools, Colleges, Solicitors, Surgeons, Barristers, as well as dozens of fantastic reviews from customers.

Paul Turner creates references for his friend(s)  Mally is one, from Ultimate Gardens, his website was setup by Paul Turner.  Notice the website developed by Clixxo…?  Clixxo was one of the Companies Paul Turner set up (and is now dissolved) to compete against me (while he was working for me).  Funny how Paul Turner, is the sole reference for this guy on his Google review click here for a laugh or view it here is case he removes it. lol.  what a con artist he is!


Mally is Paul Turners friend, who Turner asked to ‘pay us a visit‘, click here to read about that

Mally was Paul Turners friend in this video clip, click here to see it on YouTube and remember to leave a comment 🙂

I understand friendship and loyalty, but to support a prick like Turner who has attacked an innocent family, attack an innocent child and take Police protection for being a Police informer, make his as bad as Turner!