Paul Turner is a Police Informer (grass) confirmed by Police conversation

Date approx

He also confirmed it in a bogus tribunal see here

Paul Turner status as a Police Grass in Skem confirmed by a Police officer and the reason we believe the Police are not stopping him from threatening my family and continuing to harass us.

This is a transcription of the conversation with a Police Officer investigating Paul Turner and then advising me of Paul Turners concerns.

PCxxxx – “His main concern now is the Police Informant business cos, its put him in a bit of sensitive position he’s nervous it might get exposed especially with the associates he hangs round with, its understandable really”

This is the recording where the Police Office confirmed Paul Turner is a Police informer. Click below to listen to it.

Download the MP3 – Click Here -> Police Confirming Paul Turner is a Police Informer

And also here is another snippet, this is relating to an anonymous message that Paul Turner claimed I sent to a Gym he trains at… Click below to listen to it.

Download the MP3 – Click Here -> Police Confirming Paul Turner is a Police Informer 2

This is not intended to cause any harm to him, all we want is to prove we are not lying as we have provided evidence for all of the allegations we have made, Paul Turner has made lots of damning allegations with nothing to back it up, at all.

This proves that the Police are aware of what he is and are not helping us.

I have the recording of this secured and replicated!  The conversation in full is over 10 minutes long and the details below are mentioned a few times including his name by the Police officer.